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Treatment can vary greatly from child to child depending on the extent of their problems, their age, and their behavior. If your child requires treatment, the dentist will discuss different behavior management methods with you in details.

1.Nitrous oxide (laughing gas): It’s the preferred sedation method for pediatric dentists because it’s safe, the effects are almost instantaneous, and it only takes a few seconds to clear out of their systems once the treatment is over. We sequence treatment steps to gain the child’s confidence, doing the easiest things first.

2.Conscious sedation: Oral conscious sedation is available for apprehensive, very young children, and children with special needs. It is used to calm your child and to reduce the anxiety or discomfort associated with dental treatments. Your child may be quite drowsy, but he will not become unconscious. Whenever we need to use a sedative, we’ll consult you first. Your child’s safety and well-being is our foremost concern.

3.IV sedation: Most children are able to complete treatment with nitrous oxide and local anesthetic or oral sedation, but some patients require IV sedation. This procedure is safely administered by our qualified anesthesiologist. It is used in instances when children are young, uncooperative, with special needs, or need extensive dental work.